7-31-09 - Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Morrison, CO
review submisions to me at dws at phish.net, or phishreview
at gmail.com. please include the date in the subject line...
please review the show, not the other reviews....
Scott Fuhrman
subject 7/31/09
My first concert at red rocks, and what a great venue (other than the
people who demanded that they sit in THEIR seats because SHE paid for
them. Felt bad for the guy she was with as he was obviously embarassed. If
you haven't been there, it's pretty much all g.a. I didn't kick anyone out
of my "reserved" seats). First set started off ok with a decent Runaway
into a very solid chalkdust, followed by an ok bathtub. They seemed to get
a little loose after that, especially the melt, but the rain may have had
something to do with that. They really made up for it in the second with
a rockin' drowed>crosseyed. Joy was good, and tweezer was one of the
better one's I've seen, but the highlight was the fluffhead>piper>day in
the life. Solid suzy>reprise to close it out. First set was about a C, but
the second set gets an A, not because of the setlist, but the energy they
brought back out of the rain delay. I'm curious what they have in store
for tomorrow. Can't wait.
Scott from pittsburgh via omaha
Scott Fuhrman
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